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The Media Hides the Facts Once Again
Below is a video taken a little over a week ago. Once again, for all the “happy talk” of re-openings, we need to think through the media’s continual lies.The following video shows Chicago, NYC, and Mi
How to Recognize a Phishing Email
Email powers a significant amount of our communication—so it’s become a main target of scammers. One of the most common techniques used by online thieves is phishing, in which they send an email that
Why You Shouldn’t Trust Free VPNs
Online security should be a priority for all Americans, as our entire lives are largely powered by the internet—meaning that any intrusion to our online privacy can be a major disruption. We should al
How to Avoid Coronavirus Scams
The current global pandemic is inducing anxiety and panic around the world, as citizens everywhere struggle through these unchartered territories. Travel restrictions, school closures, and lockdowns h